Within the WLCG organisation the (Common) Software Liaisons have the role of ensuring that the development priorities for common software used by the LHC experiments are properly communicated to the appropriate development teams. The projects concerned are those where the LHC experiments rely on software that is developed and maintained outside of the experiment specific domain (e.g. ROOT, Geant4, event generators, CVMFS). The liaisons will specifically communicate with: groups at CERN and in other institutes responsible for the development of this software; the HEP Software Foundation. They will also regularly liaise with the development teams to feedback reports on status and plans. The liaisons will also ensure that, through the HSF, needs are communicated to the wider HEP software development community. They are also charged with general reporting on common software matters to the WLCG MB and to the LHCC.
The proposal is to appoint two people to the role of WLCG (Common) Software Liaison for a 1 year term, renewable.